
We have been actively updating our Houzz account over the past few days. If you aren’t familiar with Houzz, it is the leading online platform for home remodeling, and design. Being the largest online source for home improvement, it has everything from you need to better your home from start to finish. Helping you find great design ideas and storing them in your idea books is truly just the beginning to this ever changing site.

Follow us : www.houzz.com/pro/purcellquality to stay on top of great remodeling and design!

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Wall Covering – 101

For many, wall coverings may seem like a thing of the past, however it has come a long way in the past few years. There are many styles and materials to choose from, so here is a simple round up to get rid of any misconceptions you may have about wall coverings.

Printed Wallpaper
Printed wallpaper can be traditional to contemporary in style. There are various methods to create printed papers. They can be screen printed, hand painted, ink-jet printed, hand block printed, and machine printed.

Natural wall coverings

Natural wall coverings can be constructed of grass cloths, corks, woods, jute, hemp, and various other natural products. Some of these products can even be painted or printed on.

Natural wall covering
Natural stone wall covering
Cork wall covering
Grass cloth paper
Vinyl wall coverings
Typically thought of for its use in commercial spaces, vinyl wall covering has made its self known in residential design lately. This is due in large part to its durability, versatility and cost conscious nature.

Specialty Papers
This includes a range of papers such as; hand painted murals, specialty painting, glass, recycled products and various other types.

Hand painted mural
Hand painted mural
Silk paper
Metallic leaf paper
Recycled newspaper wall paper
We hope to have gotten rid of any ugly wallpaper misconceptions you may have previously had and opened your eyes to the beautiful world of wall coverings!
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All the Craze – Chickens!

For this post, we thought we would talk about the unique and rapidly growing trend of backyard chickens, since some of us at Purcell have them! Backyard chickens are not allowed in all cities, you will need to check your local ordinances.

Interesting Facts:

  • Shell color is only “skin deep” the eggs color on the inside are the same, no matter what the shell color is
  • Egg production varies on the chicken, some lay eggs everyday while others may only lay eggs twice per week
  • Hens don’t typically lay eggs in the dark, they will wait until the next sunrise
  • Hens will lay eggs, weather or not they have ever seen a rooster. The rooster is only necessary for the fertilization of eggs
  • A chicken eggs yolk color will vary from  pale yellow to orange, depending on what the chicken has been eating
  • Each chicken requires about 4 square feet of space in a coop
  • There are hundreds of varieties of backyard chickens, here you can see which chickens would be acceptable in your climate
There are many different online sources to get your started, this is an excellent site that goes over everything from coops, breed and feed.
Plymouth Barred Rock (Dixie)- lays brown eggs
Ameraucana ( Libby)- lays blue eggs
Rhode Island Reds (foreground- Poppy and Lucy)- Brown eggs
Ameraucana ( Hazel) – lays blue and green eggs
Light Brahma Hen
Chuckoo Maran Hen- Chocolate Brown Eggs

Buff Orpington Hen- Light Brown Eggs
Tullip , The Friendly Buff
Ameraucana Rooster
Ameraucana Rooster
A friends lavish chicken coop
Converted from a backyard shed to a coop
The Roost
Nesting Boxes

Well that’s all about the backyard chicken craze for now! We hope we sparked a little interest in this quickly growing trend. 

Featured Designer- Talla Skogmo

Talla Skogmo designs interiors that live as beautifully as they look.

Talla believes projects are created and measured by teams — client, designer, architect and builder. She has been an Interior Designer for three decades and has kept the same philosophy;  creating spaces that fulfill her client’s needs in a timeless and tasteful style.

Share your background
I have a degree in interior design from The University of Minnesota, and have been an interior designer for 35 years. 27 years at Gunkelmans Interior Design and 8 years with my own firm, Talla Skogmo Interior Design.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why
I am very happy where I am, I love traveling but the best part is always coming home. We have enjoyed having a second home in the mountains and perhaps someday could see myself living in Colorado, getting lots of exercise and fresh air!
Describe your dream home in five words
Comfortable, unique, full of family
What are your hobbies
Watching my children excel at their dreams, snow skiing and traveling
Five things you can’t live without
Family, nature, antiques, good food, and beautiful architecture
What are your favorite local shops and restaurants
I love Ciao Bella and Mill Valley Kitchen. When I spend my days shopping for clients, shopping is not the onl ything on my agenda.
Describe your favorite project
Working for a client on probably our fourth home for them in Naples, Florida. We were very involved in every aspect of the project, from the architecture to the last vase in the home. A formal yet comfortable home, designed for day to day living but also welcoming guests, and entertaining. It was a unique and wonderful opportunity to have such involvement with the project.

Who is your favorite artist/furniture designer
I love Rose Tarlow- Melrose House
What is your favorite room in your home and why
Our living room, it’s the original great room, complete with  an inglenook fireplace, butternut beam ceilings and plenty of group seating groups for entertaining small and large. ( My home has never been photographed)

Fill in the blank, no home would be complete without…
Great lighting
Do you have “go to” paint colors
You can always count on Benjamin Moore 967, for a perfect white in both contemporary and traditional interiors.
Thank you Talla, check out more of Talla’s work here!

Pantone’s Colors For Fall

Pantone is a universal color matching system, servicing various industries including the graphic arts, fashion, home, interior, plastics, architectural, paint, industrial design and consumer markets. Each spring and fall the trending colors are launched and frequently these colors are used by fashion designers and interior designers to create designs based on these pallets.  Pantone’s Fall 2012 colors include some bright shades you may not expect for fall. Here are the colors translated into interiors, which is your favorite color combination?

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The start to our Lavish Kitchen Series

  This will be the start of our series on Lavish Kitchens:

Let’s be honest, most of us think about our… If money were no object dream kitchen.

Have you heard of  La Cornue? These show stopping ranges are always the focal point of any kitchen they are in. With prices starting at $6,800 for the single door range and prices heading upwards of  $46,000.  They are not exactly for the budget conscious. La Cornue has the capability to create completely custom ranges. They are artisan works of art and a wonderful addition to a kitchen, in any style.

Meanwhile cooking on one of these cookware sets. If you are into more traditional styles these are offered in an array of colors and have a lifetime warranty.

If your style tends to be on the more modern side you can get these, which have an architectural look.

Stay tuned for our next Lavish kitchen posting! 

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Health and Wellness Project

We are excited to share with you a truly one of a kind project designed by our Friends at Walsh Design Group.

Designed for a family in Minnetonka, whom four of the members have MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity). MCS  is a chronic medical condition characterized by symptoms that the affected person attributes to low-level chemical exposure. Commonly accused substances include smoke, pesticides, plastics, synthetic fabrics, scented products, petroleum products, and paint fumes. Symptoms are usually vague and non-specific such as nausea, fatigue and headaches.

Walsh designed a “clean room” addition above the garage to allow the family members with MCS,  a safe environment  to gather and  create memories with friends and family.

  • What was the most challenging aspect of the project
    • The most challenging aspect was finding building materials, interior finishes, and furniture that met the homeowners chemical sensitivity requirements, style and quality standards.  The homeowner had a traditional style and lots of great ideas of what she wanted the addition to look like.
    •  Choosing materials and furnishings from our standard resources would have been easy is it wasn’t for needing them to be made of 100% natural products with no preservatives, pesticides or finishes. While there are many “green” products on the market, many of these still did not meet the safety guidelines for the project.
  • What was the most rewarding aspect of the project
    • Creating a safe space that the homeowner has been able to enjoy with her family and friends that is not causing allergic reactions for her and her children.
  • Which type of materials were used
    • The homeowner consulted with a chemical specialist to identify materials that should be safe for the family. The structure began with a hospitality HVAC system, specialty lumber and plywood and zero VOC paint. Every building material and all of the furniture and accessories were chosen of the purist natural materials.

  • Which type of furnishings did you use 
    • All of the fabrics were natural: wool, silk and cotton. We researched how the fabrics were stored and had them washed in a special detergent to remove all foreign materials they may have come in contact with. Rugs and carpets were not only made of specific wool, but the wool had to come from specific sheep. Sheep that were raised in their own buildings away from other sheep that were treated with pesticides, moth repellent and flame retardants. This wool was pure. Once made the rugs and furniture ere shipping in special packing materials and allowed to off gas for months before they were delivered to the new clean room. Much of the furniture was bench made locally by custom workrooms.
    • Does this family have special lifestyle constrains due to allergies and sensitivities
      • Yes, the family will experience ” allergic like” reactions to many environments. They cannot be comfortable outside the clean room for too many hours per day. Traveling and hotel stays have always been a big challenge.
    • How long has the project been complete. Have you maintained contact with them regarding the health and wellness of the family. 
      • The family has been living in the clean room for about two years. Their quality of life has improved remarkably since their new space was completed. Careful selection of the building materials, fixtures and furnishing have created a space that for the first time in many years the family can enjoy safety and comfortably.
    Thank you Walsh Design Group for sharing this unique project with us. Check out more completed projects here !

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    Windows, Shutters and Doors, OH My!

    The topic on windows, shutters and doors can be long and confusing, here are the basics.

    There are many different style and varieties of windows, below you see an illustration of the most common styles.

    • Single or double-hung windows slide open vertically. A single-hung window’s top pane is fixed, while the bottom pane opens upward. On a double-hung window, both panes open and close. These are the most common.
    • Sliding windows are attached at the top and bottom. They slide open and closed horizontally.
    • Casement windows are hinged on their sides and swing open like a door. The usually have a crank handle that opens and closes them.
    • Awning or hopper windows swing open and closed vertically. Awning windows are hinged at the top, while hopper windows are hinged at the bottom.
    Bay Window
    Bow Window
    • Bay or bow windows protrude out from the wall of your home, giving the feeling of a more spacious room. They can be made up of almost any window type and combination.
    French Windows
    • French windows are large door-sized windows with lattice light, typically set in pairs.


    Shutter Styles

    Exterior window shutters  were originally designed for light control, privacy and protection from the elements. Nowadays they serve a decorative purpose, easily adding pops of color to homes.

    Similar to windows, doors come in many styles and variations, here are the most commonly found door styles.

    Custom Doors – We designed this door for a clients home, and the manufacturer, Pinecrest liked it so much it that it is now available in the Pinecrest catalog.

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    You have been told that the first impression is the most important. How about the first impression when you enter your home… what is it saying to visitors? Is it showcasing your individual style while welcoming your guests?



    Entry Table Styling
    A few good things to remember to include when designing an entryway are:
    • Mirror
    • Key catch-all
    • Storage
    • Personality
    • Coat rack- if no closet


    One of the most important things many people forget about in their entryway is seating. Seating is important to assure that there is a comfortable spot to remove shoes,especially for children and the older generations. A bench may also double as additional storage, which is certainly an added bonus!


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    Architectural Detail- Columns

    Columns not only offer support to a dwelling, they can be a great architectural detail as well. Depending on the style of architecture they can range from hand carved deep mahogany to sleek and ultra modern.


    Arts and Crafts


    Mid Century


    Italian Renaissance Revival

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